May 9, 2024

Escaping the Trap of Toxic Positivity: Steps Towards Honest Well-being

Escaping the Trap of Toxic Positivity: Steps Towards Honest Well-being
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Sales is NOT a Dirty Word

Are you tired of the same old spiritual advice? Stay positive, affirmations reprogram your mind, live at the frequency of the things you want to attract. 
It’s a lot of pressure to always feel good - or else suffer the consequences. 
This episode’s g...

Are you tired of the same old spiritual advice? Stay positive, affirmations reprogram your mind, live at the frequency of the things you want to attract. 

It’s a lot of pressure to always feel good - or else suffer the consequences. 

This episode’s guest - Rebecca Quave debunks some myths about integrating spirituality into everyday life in order to create the incredible results you want.  

Myth 1: You have to be positive all the time to be spiritually awakened. 

Myth 2: Overcoming anxiety and depression requires distracting yourself from negative feelings. 

Myth 3: The ego must be destroyed for spiritual growth.

Get ready for a very different take on how to manifest, tap into your intuition, and energetically create all the things you want in your life. 

Listen in to discover:

  • What your mind wants and needs to settle down and provide you peace
  • The harmful consequences of toxic positivity and how to avoid them 
  • How to navigate negative feelings and situations without judgment or pressure to “stop having them” - which ironically allows you to move past them faster
  • The misuse of the “law of attraction” - and what to do instead to manifest your goals
  • Powerful exercises that feel like a cozy weighted blanket for your soul 

If what Rebecca discussed in this episode sounds helpful to you - I highly recommend checking out this powerful exercise. It’s the first one that really opened things up for me!